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How everything works
How everything works
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Most Popular Questions
Most Popular Questions
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Different style of quilt options
Different style of quilt options
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Upgrades Available
Upgrades Available
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Shipping Questions
Shipping Questions
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Previously cut squares

We need at least 13x13 of material. If some are smaller, that's okay, they cost $9 extra per piece and will charge card on file when we start working on quilt.


we make socks from recycled tshirt fabric.

Can I order multiple quilts or blankets at the same time?

When ordering multiple blankets or quilts, please ensure that you process each one as a separate transaction. Thank you!

What kind of items can be included in the quilt?

We accept various types of clothing items for our quilts, including jerseys, sweatshirts, polos, tech shirts, and dress shirts. However, we are not able to work with items such as sweaters, jeans material, kneck-ties, crown royal bags, gymnastic outf

How is the quilt constructed?

Our quilts are crafted by taking perfect squares from each of your shirts, focusing on the best parts, and sewing them together for the blanket's front. We then back the quilt with high-quality fleece. Our process does not include batting or interfac

Can you use baby clothes to make quilts?

We can create baby quilts using baby clothes as long as the clothing is sized at least 6 months and does not include zippers. There are specific requirements and details you'll need to follow for a successful order.