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Design your own layoutUpdated 13 days ago

You can upload a photo with your preferred layout in our order management system post purchase. 

If you have a preferred design layout for how you would like your order made, you can upload a picture of your design, and we will follow it when we create your quilt. It’s $25 extra. After you have picked out the shirts and separated them into sides, please fold them so the graphics are fully visible. Next, lay them out in the order you would like them to appear in your completed quilt. Be sure the layout that matches the size you ordered:

Lap: 4 across, and 4 down
Twin: 4 across, and 6 down
Full: 5 across, and 6 down
Large Throw: 6 across, and 6 down
Queen: 6 across, and 7 down
King: 8 across, and 8 down

Once you take a picture you can upload it through our portal (watch this video to see how), and we will follow it when we create your quilt. Here are a few examples of well-designed layouts. The photo is clear and we can see exactly where each shirt goes.

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